Monday 19 December 2011

                                   INNER TREASURES OF THE SOUL

 Hanuman , a vaanara( monkey) , gained the exalted status of deity while Ravana, with the world's wealth in the palm of his hand ,was reduced to naught . The difference between Hanuman and ravana was that the former leaned towards spiritual treasures whereas the latter gravitated towards the material temptations of the world. Hanuman was humble and wanted to be the greatest devotee; Ravana was inflated with ego; he wanted to be the mightiest king. Hanuman spurned the priceless necklace studded with precious gems offered by sita because its beads did not resonate with the name of Rama.To a man of the world it would seem foolish to reject a priceless necklace ,but a spiritually awakened soul would be indifferent to it , attaching value only to that which was permanent . Hanuman  had the vision to realise theworthlessness of material things and the incalculable worth of the name of the lord .He thus raised himself to divine status.